There Are
Certain Rules And Regulations As Laid Down By The CBSE Which A Student Has To Strictly Follow
- Attendance is Compulsory for class I to VII students as there will be grading system
throughout the session. No leave shall be granted on exams days.
- Students will not be given retest in case he/she is absent in Term 1 or Term 2 Exam.
- Academic, Co-curricular, class activities as mentioned above shall be assessed.
- Class and Home Assignment shall be assessed time to time on the nine point grading scale.
- Attitude towards teachers, school mates & others shall be assessed on a three point
grading scale.
- Students will be assessed for Work Experience, Art-Education and Physical and Health
For Periodic Test, Students Will Be
Assessed On Following Parameters
- Scholastic Areas (A) will be evaluated on the basis of written aptitude of the students.
- Scholastic Areas (B) will be evaluated on Work Experience, Art Education, Physical
- Co-Scholastic Areas on three point scale A+,A & B will be evaluated on thinking skills,
Social Skills, Emotional Skills.
- Attitudes & Values will be assessed on a three point scale A+, A and B.
- Co-Scholastic Activities and Health & Physical Education will be assessed on three point
A+, A and B.