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Director's Desk

Kriti Jain

(Director, Mothers Dreamland Junior High School)

What is the role of a school in the life of a child? Oxford dictionary definition describes a school as a place of learning and imparting education to young people. A child spends six hours daily on an average at school. Roughly the same amount of time she spends at home, not counting the hours spent in routine chores like eating, sleeping et al. It is these times spent at home and school combined which shape the physical, emotional and moral characters of a child and in my view, the responsibility of a school then is exactly the same as that of a parent – to enable a child become independent & self-reliant, provide her with tools to cope with the hardships of an adult life, help her realize her true potential and excel in her field of choice, become a good human being of impeccable moral character, and play her contribution in making the world a better place to live in.

Mother’s Dreamland Junior High School was founded with this understanding of how critical a role a school plays in the skill, moral, character and personality development of a child. At MDJHS, we aim to provide the connect between education and life of the young, impressionable minds and make school education truly relevant. Ononeside,the school works to imbibe the qualities of impeccable sincerity, persistence, hard work, ethics and strong character in the children, while on the other, it strives hard to provide precision, perfection, knowledge, technology & overall development. With the rapid advances in technology, connectivity and digitalization in today’s world, ambitions are growing and so are the opportunities available. We wish our children to be the leaders in their respective fields, and this can easily be achieved when all stakeholders combined play their individual active role – be it the child, her parents, her society, her teachers, her school and everyone else with an ability to influence her. Let us vow to make her journey truly entertaining and with a clear sense of purpose.